Speaker | Author | Storyteller
GANE Possible with Kim Jorgensen GaneI believe anything is possible.
I believe I am a work in progress. I believe there is more to me than my size. I believe the only thing holding me back is me. I believe I am the author of my own life, and of my own story. I believe I already have everything I need to create the life I want. I believe we have the choice, everyday, to make someone's day or to break it. I believe you already have everything you need to create the life you want. I believe you are the author of your own life, and of your own story. I believe the only thing holding you back is you. I believe there is more to you than your size. I believe you are a work in progress. I believe anything is possible. I believe there is more to wellness than weight and more to success than a college degree, and I believe there is more to your story that deserves to be told. I believe I can help you live your best life and tell your best stories today, wherever you are. |
Meet Kim Jorgensen Gane, aka @KimGANEPossible (on Threads, Insta, etc.)
I’m writing a book called Mother Activist: Raising Ourselves and the Men We Fall For, a love story. It’s part memoir and part political commentary about the prices we pay when we “get political,” what it costs us when we don’t (Roe, for instance), how white supremacy culture silences us, and how it’s the secret source of imposter syndrome we don’t talk about. Follow me on Substack where I'm loosely serializing my book-in-progress: howwedare.substack.com.