Our little angel sleeps tonight;
'Neath Heaven's gaze, his star shines bright.
His mother's arms held him dear,
His brother whispered in his ear,
His father's strength shed a tear.
Amid a lullaby of humming machines,
His cries are quiet, but not his dreams.
Our little angel sleeps tonight;
'Neath Heaven's gaze, his star shines bright.
Eyes that couldn't can now see rainbows.
Once weak limbs run and jump and catch and throw.
The wind in his hair, the sun on his face,
he'll relive his first boat ride, last week at the lake;
This time at the bow, arms spread wide, face to the sky, whooping with
laughter, not the least bit shy.
Our little angel sleeps tonight,
'neath Heaven's gaze, his star shines bright.
A child so fragile, a life so short, can touch so deeply those in his heart.
We who loved him would swear today, we could love him no more,
were he perfect in every way.
When next you meet a disabled child, look in their eyes and return their smile.
Touch them and do not look through, do not pity and pet and shake your head,
For their priceless smiles light our lives,
their hard-earned laughter, a precious prize.
--Loving aunt,
Kimberly J. Gane, copyright 1999, all rights reserved.